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Consumer Motivation

Consumer Motivation

Written by Dave Gannaway

Consumer motivation can change like the wind. It can be greatly affected by a number of criteria, the greatest of which can be television. I don’t think the general public is aware to what degree we are influenced by the constant bombarding of images and messages that emanate from the ‘box’.

Being aware of the focus T.V. advertisement targets gives us a good idea of their power. When Christmas draws close watch how the focus on children’s toys dominates our screens; then watch the stores drain of those items as the festive season draws close! That is “Consumer motivation” working like a dream, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Understanding consumers’ needs is the criteria upon which this motivation is based. However, one may question if it is truly the consumer’s needs or is it the manufacturer’s ability to create a need in the customer that is being targeted here? There is a subtle difference. Such is the power of customer motivation in the expert hands of the advertising moguls.

The great billionaire John Paul Getty said, “If you can’t find a demand for your product … create one!”

There then rises the question of integrity; yet somehow that seems to fall on deaf ears. It is sometimes difficult to believe just how gullible we the public are when on the receiving end of consumer motivation and how blind we can allow ourselves to be. Take for example the years of conditioning focused on macho images of men and women smoking. Yet even when the dangers and effects of that lethal habit became known there was no legislation to protect consumers against its deadly effects. But the consumer motivation continued to instruct us to keep smoking even though it was killing us … and so we did!

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