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Goal Motivation

Goal Motivation

Written by Dave Gannaway

Goal motivation is the very source of success in any area. Without a goal there is no direction, and no reason to be motivated. And guess what? However much your boss or your wife may want you motivated it ain’t going to work unless YOU want to be. . . . That means you need to want, or to do, or achieve something yourself. The corny old saying that, ‘you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink’ apply to us all.

Truth is the only person to motivate you is yourself and that requires goal motivation. It is impossible to be motivated about nothing. It’s like asking a travel agent for an airline ticket to go on vacation with! The first question they would ask is “where do you want to go?” Without that goal motivation, little will happen.

If your life lacks motivation the first objective is to discover what you love to do, what is your passion? Make a list of the things you like, the people you are attracted to. What do you enjoy doing that is stimulating? As you begin to do this you may find a common link, something that attracts you more than the rest. Keep probing and noticing your responses.

Maybe you are stimulated by travel. Explore how you feel about a tour of Ireland or Italy. Does one feel more attractive than the other? Or is it China or Singapore? What about a cruise or a guided tour of Egypt? Notice the various levels of appeal. Some might have no effect others may just light a spark or even an intense desire. This is what goal motivation is all about. It is that spark that will light the fire of motivation that will lead to its achievement.

Achievers know precisely what their goals are. They have a goal motivation movie running in their head that is stimulating and drawing them toward its fulfillment. Building imaginary internal movies that play-out your objectives and desires is a valuable secret successful people do constantly. When asked what their goals are, they can tell you precisely and in precise details without the need to think about it. They have it programmed in to the mind just as a pilot programs his destination into his autopilot. . . . He knows precisely where he is going. Do you?

Big is beautiful when building goals. Little goals get lost to the internal chatter of everyday business that occupies our thoughts. Even if your goals are modest objectives make them matter, build intensity, a compulsion that makes them standout above the mundane. Good goals make your blood pump a little faster, it puts a spring in your step. It gives you the vitality and an urgency that draws you forward.

You hear that successful people are driven by their desires. . . . That’s how goal motivation works. They get high on the prospect of achieving their goals, the motivation follows naturally. They have no need for drugs to maintain goal motivation just a deep intense burning desire. That sets the adrenaline flowing. Big goals do that best, why would anyone just want to achieve small success?

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