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Lack of Motivation

Written by Dave Gannaway
We all suffer from a lack of motivation at sometime or other. So just how can we deal with it? A lack of enthusiasm leaves us feeling lethargic without energy and a general feeling of yuck!

First question, why? You can be pretty sure there is one, maybe two very good reasons for your lack of motivation. Are things at work not working out? Have you argued with your partner? Or has the car broken down again? Identify the cause because that is gremlin behind your lack of motivation. Lack of Motivation

The problem with a lack of motivation is that it’s contagious. When one thing goes wrong that gremlin goes to work to follow it up with another, and another. Because, you see, the gremlin within your subconscious (s/c), creates a reality of what you think. That’s it, ‘what you think becomes your reality.’ The gremlin says, if that is not what you want, then why are your thinking it? Indeed why are you?

We each create our own reality. Lack of motivation is self creating. When things begin to go wrong and you start to think, ’here we go again,’ sure enough we do. With that creative thought your s/c gremlin says ‘sure, is that what you want? Here we go!’ And shazam, we have another issue to add to the collection.

Of course the creative s/c does not think, IT just creates what you think. So why don’t you switch the tables and start thinking what you want in your life and let your s/c create that for you. Remember how great it feels to be alive and bursting with energy. Hold on to that, and pretty soon your loyal s/c will click in and that lack of motivation will be a thing of the past.

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