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Motivation Scale

Motivation Scale

Written by Dave Gannaway

To create such a thing as a motivation scale must be the work of an extreme academic with time on his hands. As a businessperson, I find the idea about as useful as a chocolate fire guard!

How in the name of all that’s logic, can such a document contain any degree of accuracy or usefulness? Bureaucracy with time on its hands must work hard to produce the questionnaires that determine such comics as motivational scales. One delightful example appears on a US immigration forms travelers complete prior of arriving on American soil. One of the questions is “Are or have you been a member of a terrorist group?” Imagine Osama Bin Ladin confronted with this document, “Oh no, they have caught me at last!” Now I am sure potential enemies of the States are sure to provide a truthful answer to that!

Perhaps a scale for lovers would be helpful to the fathers of pretty teenaged girls.

• Have you ever had any amorous thoughts about my daughter?

• Do you promise not to think any lewd thoughts or make any undesirable advances until you are married?

I am sure the correct answers to such questions would help reassure anxious fathers and help them place prospective suitors on a constructive motivation scale.

I would have thought such material more suitable as material for Jay Leno’s script writers than a serious tool. Of course I have exaggerated, just a little, in my illustrations but as an employer the amount of credibility I would give to a motivation scale of potential employee’s, advisers or a company vying for my business is almost zero. I say almost zero because I would read it if only for the entertainment value!

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