Motivational Books
Written by Dave Gannaway
Motivational books are never far from the best sellers list, such is their importance. For many companies, these books hold a permanent place in their required reading program. Creating the reading habit often becomes a pleasant oasis in a stressful day and a welcome motivating and revitalizing stimulus, as well as a delightful way to descend into restful slumbers at bedtime.
As more and more people are turning to motivational and inspirational books to increase performance and stimulate enthusiasm and creativity, so the demands for new and original material increase. The many and various tastes and preferences ensure a wide variety of books available, ranging from how the many successful entrepreneurs created their fortunes, to the rich mixture of metaphors and parables that adorn the shelves of well-stocked booksellers.
“Nothing of any note happens without enthusiasm” said Emerson, and most often that takes the form of motivational books. Without motivation, people give up, lose interest and fall by the way, often when the successful end is already in sight.
Often times, these books point us to the recipe of success. Most people read a motivational book for a quick “shot” that boosts them up for a short time, only to find that they need to come back again and again for more. But true self motivation does not originate from an external source. The most accomplished people of our time found the source within - not without.
We encourage you to explore the possibility that true-motivation is, and always has been available to you—inside of you. Our books can be deep and powerful, give you direction, stimulate you, and have a profound impact on your thoughts and actions. But reading alone cannot give you the necessary rocket fuel to achieve lasting success. It is only when you consciously chose a purpose and take congruent action that you tap into the limitless resources within that are waiting patiently for you. Our books will show you how!
We encourage you to read and enjoy these books, and use them as a resource, and understand that true motivation lies within you…Right Now!
Our books are stimulating, and action-packed, and they are a life-line of inspiration for all of you on the fast track. They are fresh and completely new to the US. Our stock contains many motivational titles by established authors as well as new and up-coming writers. All are available in e-books as well as a limited number of paper-back copies.
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