Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes and Success

Motivational Quotes are recognized by success-seekers as nourishment for the hungry man. Science has shown us that motivation is the way of the achievers - that extra gear that propels the individual out ahead of the pack. But just reading these quotes alone is not enough to get you to take action. True motivation is an inner-source like a short-fused, high-octane, psychological fuel that burns magical energy and stimulates sagging enthusiasm.

Inspirational quotes come in every form from the profound sayings of the ancient masters to the high-tech cyber-gurus of the twenty first century. The major significance of these quotes is that they give us deep insight into the mindset of high achievers. From a subliminal message or a chanted mantra, to a powerful prayer or the written word; these messages come in many forms. Most often, these messages show us the consciousness of the great people that said them.

Often times, these messages point us to the recipe of success. Most people use motivational quotes as a quick "shot" that boosts them up for a short time, only to find that they need to come back again and again for more. But true self motivation does not originate from an external source. The most accomplished people of our time found the source within, not without.

We encourage you to explore the possibility that true motivation is, and always has been available to youinside of you. Motivational quotes can be deep and powerful, give us direction, stimulate us, and have a profound impact on our actions. But reading alone cannot give you the necessary rocket fuel to achieve lasting success. It is only when you consciously chose a purpose and take congruent action that you tap into the limitless resources within that are waiting patiently for you.

We have assembled many extraordinary quotes from ordinary people to extraordinary leaders-some funny, some sad, some that bring a tear to your eye, and some that bring joy to your heart. We encourage you to read and enjoy these quotes, and use them as a resource, and understand that true motivation lies within you...Right Now! These are truly words that can change you…We promise!

Read more about self motivation in order to understand how to identify and harness its unlimited power. If you feel that you need assistance in becoming self motivated or choosing a purpose, we have provided several options for you. You can review our articles on self motivation, log on to our forums or purchase The Merlin Connection or Which Way Now? If you would prefer individual attention, you can contact us to schedule a confidential one-on-one session. Whichever route you choose, we are here for you!

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