Our Motivation
By Dave Gannaway
Our motivation is about groups that specialize. Any subject under the sun is the topic for our motivation when two or more make it their common interest. For example, our motivation here at True-Motivation.com is the subject of motivation and everything related to it. That’s our mission and our passion. Not only do we study what it is, we research methods on how to create it, enhance it and techniques to work with it. Then it is offered in a professional and business like way.
Other famous groups and organizations that specialize in various subjects are:
Alcoholics Anonymous, National Heart Association, Cancer research, Children’s hospitals, Weight watchers, Religions, a million and one charities. Associations for the Blind, the Disabled, Veterans, the homeless, and many, many more. Our motivation can be applied to each and every group.
Our motivation suggests a focus, or a specialty group, that often work for the benefit and advancement of understanding and research for the good of all.
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