Student Motivation
By Dave Gannaway
Students are motivated when there teachers are motivated. That sounds obvious yet so often teachers are under such pressure that student motivation is not at the top of their list. When students are expected to learn by their teachers … they do. That’s a fact.
How can a climate of student motivation be created in the classroom?
• It is important that the classroom environment be one of caring and supportive of the student’s individual value. Showing that he/she is much more that a number or just another student.
• Student motivation can be fostered by interesting yet challenging assignments. Short term goals producing repeated success begins to set positive repeatable patterns. Creating the habit of success.
• Pre-supposing success plays a psychologically important role in future development. It engenders confidence and self belief. Assuming success, acting as though achievement has been fulfilled can produce positive results. A caveat being not to engender a fool’s paradise.
Supporting student’s motivation with positive feedback, and helping them to feel they are a valued and important part of society, are important stepping stones in generating the environment for student success.
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