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Student Motivation

By Dave Gannaway

The very nature of young people is to be curious. The best and most effective student motivation is based upon the continuation of that curiosity. A child at birth absorbs staggering amounts of knowledge. Everything it its new physical world has to be learned. However its sponge-like absorption slowly begins to diminish as it advances into childhood. student motivation

Student motivation can be greatly influenced by its environmental as well as experiential background. Stress and fear can impair the brains growth and capacity to learn thus reducing the student’s motivation. It follows naturally that young people from stressful backgrounds are less likely to follow academic pursuits in those early years. Student motivation does well to look into these factors. Young people often skip a lot of schooling in favor of getting out to work and dealing with more pressing family financial needs. Their student motivation becomes unattractive and trivial compared with the hard realities around them.

Generally student motivation is optimized from backgrounds of safety, love and trust. It flourishes with encouragement in environments where their focus and passion is free to explore the new and exciting possibilities on offer.

Students from stable loving homes who from the earliest age are nurtured in the excitement of learning are intrinsically motivated by the sheer enjoyment of it. Other student motivation comes from the need to obtain the qualifications in order to achieve a reward or specific vocation.

Understanding and awareness of student motivation … how students learn and develop can be extremely varied. Educators with this perception can avoid student’s apathy and slow growth and encourage development by projecting fun and the wonder of discovery.

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